Hi there, thanks for stopping by today.
Jeremiah 29:11-13 says that God has a good future for us and a hope!
I want to encourage you that God has a plan, and it's a good plan, for your life!
He totally loves you and has something for you today in this world, that will not only fulfill you, but also reach others for the Kingdom of God.
Don't let fear or disappointment from past experiences stop you from stepping out into all He has for you.
We are to 'forget those things that are behind and press forward to what lies ahead, I press toward the goal for prize of upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Phil. 3:13b, 14 NKJ
When you trust in Him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but acknowledge Him in all your ways, He will, direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5,6
He really will!
Have a great day, you are loved!