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What Do You Have in Your Hand?

Writer's picture: Pastor LoriPastor Lori

God, what can I do for You right now? With where I am in my life, how can I serve You and reach people with Your love?

Many times we are looking for the spectacular and God gives us supernatural opportunities every day that are practical and within our realm of ability and influence.

In Exodus 14, the Israelites were in a desperate place. Have you ever been there? I'm sure we all have.

The Egyptians were on one side of them and the Red Sea on the other. Moses cried out to God when the Israelites were at the Red Sea, God said to Moses, "What is in your hand?"

Moses had his rod, that was Moses's rod, the rod he used every day to shepherd and walk with. He took what he had and stretched it our over the Red Sea, and a miracle happened. When God spoke into the situation, Moses obeyed and something that was very natural became a rod of deliverance. Moses obedience and faith to do what God said, made a way for a miracle.

What is in your hand? What could you do if you were to touch someone today?

Has God been impressing someone or something on your heart and in your thoughts?

What is your rod?

We have the precious word of God, which is powerful.

We also have Jesus the Son of God in our hearts and the wonderful Holy Spirit.

We have the wisdom of God, His blood covering and His anointing in us.

We could open the way for someone's miracle and have a word that brings life, comfort and encouragement.

There are practical things like encouragement, baking, a call, writing, finances, a coffee, prayer...that could be our rud.

We have natural giftings and training that could help someone and become a way of deliverance for them.

Ask the Holy Spirit, "What would You have me to do today?" Then do it and see God's touch and miracles flow to and through our lives.

The world is longing for someone to listen, to love, to care, to encourage, to point to the Greatest Love of all mankind, Jesus Christ. Let's do it.

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